
30% More Income

The following testimonial by my client, Nancy Friedberg, a Career Coach based in New York City, tells the story of the improvement she has experienced in her business since working with my company. “Having been the beneficiary of your “systems creation” for my business, in the past year, I’ve attracted way more IDEAL clients whose needs and goals I’m helping to satisfy AND have earned 30 percent more income. With your genius work, I know “build it and they will come” does apply! Thank you, Jaimie. You’re the best!” ~ Nancy F.

Results Provided by Upscale Your Business:

Nancy’s onboarding for clients, scheduled consultations, and communication has been streamlined for efficiency and now ‘tech-shy’ Nancy feels empowered and has more confidence in managing her processes when she needs to. She no longer needs to rely only on me or my team members to get things handled.
We consistently publish her content in a weekly ‘keeping in touch’ campaign which keeps her audience engaged regularly with her insights, action plans, and recommended resources.
As stated above, with our help, Nancy has been able to attract ‘way more IDEAL clients whose needs and goals [I’m] helping to satisfy AND have earned 30 percent more income.’

If you are ready for support in these areas, click on WORK WITH US.

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