
Fun and Engaging Content

Ruth launched a line of unique products for the home and was referred to us in August 2015 by a long-term client for social media marketing services. We got to work growing her audience on the most popular platforms while at the same time developing status updates and tweets for every product in her inventory. We also scheduled these posts for a few months at a time.

From our social media metrics report, it can be seen that in just two months not only did we significantly increase Ruth’s network but by providing this growing audience with fun and engaging content, we also dramatically improved her overall website analytics by driving traffic, increasing the number of pages they visit while on her site and adding new subscribers to her mailing list.

We recently worked on promoting her seasonal items and holiday gift ideas and anticipate a highly lucrative season and a profitable first year for Ruth!

Results Provided by Upscale Your Business:

Every element within Ruth’s website is now promoted on social media, including her newsletter subscription, her specialties/areas of expertise, who she serves (her ideal clients), and success stories/case studies.
We have helped Ruth to create social media posts which are fun and engaging and inspire people to visit her site. We provide the answer to, “What will I find there (on Ruth’s site) that will make me happy?”

If you are ready for support in these areas, click on WORK WITH US.

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